Solar radiation (Rs), which has been widely used as a renewable clean energy source in recent years, is one of the main factors that ensure the sustainability of many biological and chemical processes such as photosynthesis, evaporation, and evapotranspiration. In this context, accurately measured or estimated Rs data are needed to maximise the benefit from the sun. This study aims to develop a calibration equation for the Angström & Prescott solar radiation estimation model that is compatible with the semi–arid to arid climatic and environmental conditions of Van Province. The calibration coefficients (as= 0.19, bs= 0.50) of this model were determined via the Microsoft Excel solver add-on, using the monthly averages of the daily sunshine duration and Rs data measured between 2012 and 2020. The calibration equation created with these coefficients was tested with daily current climatic data measured between 2012 and 2020, and daily average Rs values ranging between 5.13–25.93 MJ m−2 day−1 were estimated. The daily average measured Rs values in the same years were between 3.45–26.49 MJ m−2 day−1. The daily average Rs values with an accuracy of 87.00% (MAPE= 13.00%) were estimated with the Angström & Prescott model calibration equation. It was concluded that the daily average solar radiation values estimated by this model could be used instead of the measured values (P> 0.05, n= 365).
Evapotranspiration, Calibration, Solar Radiation, Estimation model.
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