Unlocking Rural Women's Economic Potential: The Impact of Opportunity Sharing in Kakanju Subcounty and Bitooma Town Council in Bushenyi District, Uganda

1Tumuhairwe Adinan; 2Tom Ongesa Nyamboga (PhD.)
1Postgraduate Student, Kampala International University, Western Campus
4Lecturer, School of Business and Management, Kampala International University, Western Campus


Achieving economic empowerment remains a significant challenge for many rural women in Uganda, despite its potential to transform individuals, households, and communities through increased income, savings, and decision-making power. However, rural women in Uganda face substantial obstacles that hinder their economic progress, perpetuating poverty and limiting their potential. This study investigated the impact of opportunity sharing on rural women's economic empowerment in Kakanju Subcounty and Bitooma Town Council, Bushenyi District, grounded in Feminist Economic Empowerment Theory. Employing a quantitative research methodology, a correlational research design was used to examine the relationship between opportunity sharing and rural women’s economic empowerment. A sample of 295 respondents was selected from a target population of 1117 using Sloven's formula. Primary data was collected through self-administered questionnaires, and both inferential and descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. The results revealed a statistically significant positive correlation between opportunity sharing and rural women's economic empowerment (p=0.000 < 0.05). Therefore, it was concluded that opportunity sharing has a profound impact on rural women's economic empowerment. The study recommends that local and national governments implement policies that promote rural women's economic participation and address discrimination, empowering them to fully engage in the economy.


Opportunity, Sharing, Rural, Women, Economic, Empowerment, Strategy


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